Monday, October 22, 2007

On this weeks parsha

What Parsha is it this week?
Um... not Lech Lecha.
Is it Vaeira?
Yes, but that's too hard to say

On Headaches

Where is Zaidey?
He is upstairs lying down. He has a migraine.
A your-grain?
Not my grain. A migraine. mi-graine.
He has your brain?
No, not my brain. Migraine.
He has no brain?
No a migr... he has a headache.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

On Fish and Floods

Were there fishies on the teva?
So where were the fish during the flood?
Fishies are pets. They were in the pet store.


Wednesday, October 10, 2007

On sleeping

I don't like sleeping.
Why not?
It takes too long.

... funny, that is the part of it I like best...

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

On a wedding

After a recent wedding.

Eema. When are they going to fly in the air and spin around in circles?
You know. They hold hands and spin in circles and fly up in the air like in Shrek.
That was just a movie. People do not really fly up in the air.
Yes they do.
No they don't. Have you ever flown up in the air?
Of course not.
Well, why not?
I'm not a bride!

On Yom Kippur

"It is eema and abba's job to not eat and to not drink. It is children's job to make sure that eemas and abbas are davening."

On snacks

Today for snack the teacher gave me crack in the playground. Oh, I remembered to make a bracha.

On road work.

Eema, why are they fixing the road?
Because it is broken.
Why is it broken?
Because it is old.
Oh, are they going to fix Bubbie? She's old?
Um, older than Bubbie.
Oh, like Aunty *****? She died.
Yes. exactly like that.

On parshat Noach

- Noach built a table and he put lots of animals inside of it. He put the monkeys with all the garbage because they stink.
- Noach's wife was named "wife" (ok, so she mostly has that one right).
-Noach and his family lived on "top shelf".
- There was a window on the table so they could see if it was still raining. Of course it was not for light. There was no sun because it was raining!
- Animals got on the table two by two because that is all there was room for.



I am the mom to a precocious 3 year old girl and I realized recently that she is totally expanding and amusing my view of the world by gettign to see and hear everything through her eyes. It is all way too cute not to document. So this is going to be that documentation.